Daily Bible Verses


Psalms 23:1-3a

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.

He makes me to lie down in green pastures.

He leads me beside the still waters.

He restores my soul.


Jesus is our good Shepherd and we are His sheep.

He takes care of us and leads us in the perfect way- the way everlasting.

And He knows that we need His loving care and protection from the evil one.

Just as the sheep in the pasture needs protection from the wolf, so we need protection in this world from the evil devil who is trying to destroy us.

Prayer (for you)

O Lord God,

The Great Creator of Heaven and earth, and everything that there is.

I praise and adore You and bless Your Holy Name.

How great You are, Mighty to save and strong to protect, and save us from evil tendencies, sin, the devil and evil traits.

Lord Jesus, thank You for being my good Shepherd, Who takes care, protects, and leads me in the holy and perfect way.

O Lord, whenever I stray from the path of righteousness, I am so thankful to You, for leading, guiding and directing me back to the narrow way.

Because as a sheep needs protection from the wolf I need Your help and protection from the wiles and schemes of the evil devil.

Thank You Lord Jesus, for always being there to guide and lead me away from sin and dangerous paths.

You are the only One Who can protect, provide and save to the uttermost everyone who has faith and trust in You.

Lord Jesus, I am so glad that You are my Shepherd, my Saviour, my Redeemer, my Advocate and my Intercessor and my Friend.

O Lord Jesus, I want to be saved in Your Eternal Kingdom, please keep me faithful and loyal and help me to endure to the end in my Christian journey.

Thank You for Your loving care, guidance, leading, tender mercies, saving grace and Your compassions that are new every day.

In Your precious name I pray. Amen.




Daily Bible Verses


Isaiah 62:11b

” Surely your salvation is coming, behold, His reward is with Him and His work before Him.”


Jesus is coming again to received those who have accepted Him as their Saviour and Lord.

Jesus is coming to judge the world and reward His redeemed.

Jesus says, ” Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his (our) work.” Revelation 22:12

Prayer (for you)

Holy and Eternal God,

Thank You for another day when I can seek You in prayer.

You are such a loving, compassionate, merciful God.

I thank You for Your Plan of Salvation to save me – to save anyone who comes to You with a humble and repentant heart.

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your sacrifice of love to save me.

Signs of Your soon coming are everywhere.

And when You return You will judge the world in righteousness, and give everyone according to their activities – according to how they have lived their lives.

Lord Jesus, I am so glad that I have You as my Saviour and Lord, and I thank You for paying the penalty for my sins and transgressions.

Thank You for Your shed blood that cleanses me from every sin and make me clean.

Also I give Your praise and thanks for Your salvation so rich and free.

Lord Jesus, please cover me with Your Robe of righteousness and Your Garment of salvation.

Praise God!

Lord Jesus, because I have accepted You as my Saviour, and repented, Your precious blood covers all my sins.

And I am now part of the family of God, washed in the fountain (baptized) and cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus, my Saviour.

Hallelujah! Praise You Lord God, Lord Jesus.

In Your precious name, I pray with thanksgiving. Amen.


Daily Bible Verses


Psalms 5:1-3

Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my meditation.

Give heed to the voice of my cry, My King and my God, for to You I will pray.

My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning I will direct it to You, and I will look up.


Our Eternal God and Father of humanity hears us when we come to Him in prayer.

Let us seek the Lord in prayer morning, noon and night, and anytime we need help, guidance, direction and protection.

Because He hears us at all times, and He will do for us more than we can imagine, what is in our best interests, and for our salvation.

Prayer ( for you)

Eternal Father in Heaven,

Thank You for the privilege of prayer.

How great it is to know that I can seek You, come to You in prayer and You hear me, and will answer me with Your best for me.

Hallelujah! Praise You, O Lord God, Lord Jesus.

I give You all the honour and glory that You deserve and that is due to You.

You are such a loving, good, kind, merciful, patience, holy, perfect, powerful and all-wise God.

My faith, hope and trust is in You, the only true and living God, and there is no other.

I love You Lord God, Lord Jesus, and I rejoice and I am so glad to be part of the family of God -the God of the Universe, the Cosmos, and the Source and Sustainer of my life.

I rejoice in Your Infinite love, Your loving watch care and protection for me, and Your saving grace and sacrifice of love to save me.

Thank You O Lord, for hearing my requests and answering my prayers.

Please help me to wait on You, O Lord, and be of good courage.

In Jesus’ name, I pray with thanksgiving. Amen.




Daily Bible Verses


Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.


Our faith and trust in God is paramount if we wish to have the best life ever.

Because our perspective is limited, but God is unlimited in His wisdom, knowledge and perspective, and He is able to see down the corridor of time.

God holds the future in His Hands.

Prayer (for you)

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for another day when I can come to You in prayer and supplication.

I give You praise and thanks for the privilege of prayer.

Please help me have more faith, and trust in You more each day.

As the song says, ” Trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.”

Please help me to acknowledge You in every way, in every situation, and seek You for wisdom and direction.

Because You hold the future in Your Hands.

And I know that You are always ready and willing to guide and direct me, provide for me, and lead me in the paths of righteousness.

O Lord, I thank You for Your loving kindness, Your loving watch care and protection.

Please help me to be faithful, be loyal in my Christian life, and look to You, and keep pressing on to glory.

Lord Jesus, I pray for those who have not accepted You as yet.

I pray that they will come to their senses, and accept You as their personal Saviour before it is eternally too late.

I pray that they will understand the Plan of Salvation, and make their decision to follow You, make their call and election sure, and come into the ark of safety.

In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.






Daily Bible Verses


Psalms 19:1-3

The Heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His Handiwork.

Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge.

There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard.


Look up to the skies on a clear night and you will see the beauty and wonderful grandeur and greatness of God’s Creation.

And just marvel and say ” My God created the Heavens and the earth.”

Prayer (for you)

Eternal Father in Heaven,

How wonderful are the works of Your Hands.

You created the Heaven, the earth, the sun, moon, stars, the vegetation, the animals, and You created humanity in Your Image and likeness.

What a wonderful, majestic, and powerful God You are.

And You love me, and want to save me from sin.

And make me part of Your family, the family of God.

I give You thanks, praise, honour, glory, and I exalt You, O Lord God Almighty.

And I love and adore You with all my heart, soul and mind.

You are the only true and living God. and You declare.

” I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, Who is and Who was and Who is to come, the Almighty.” Revelation 1:9

.Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!

In Jesus’ precious name, I pray. Amen.

Daily Bible Verses


2 Peter 3:9

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.


The Lord wants everyone to be saved in His Eternal Kingdom.

Because God loves us so much He gave us free will to choose to accept or reject His way of salvation.

Jesus’ sacrifice on Calvary cross was to save everyone, but each person must make their own decision to believe and accept Jesus, as their Saviour and Lord.

John 3:18 tells us, ” Those who do not believe is condemned already, because they have not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”

Prayer (for you)

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your patience with us, waiting for us to make our decision, the most important decision of our life to accept Your Plan of Salvation.

And to accept Jesus as our Saviour and Redeemer.

O Lord, I give You thanks and praise for sending Jesus to save me from the devil, evil, sin and destruction.

Your Plan of salvation is for everyone, so please help me to seek You, and be pleasing to You, and continue to walk the narrow pathway that leads to life eternal.

Thank You Lord God, that You are not willing that anyone should perish in their sins, but that everyone should come to repentance.

What a loving, caring, compassionate and merciful God, You are.

Mighty to save and strong to deliver and save me from sin, and reconcile me back to my Creator God, my Source and Sustainer of my life.

I love and adore You dear Lord.

In Jesus, name, I pray. Amen.



Daily Bible Verses


Matthew 5:37

Jesus says, ” Let your “Yes” be “Yes” and your “No,”  “No”. For  whatever is more than these is from the evil one.”


Jesus is telling us that we should not take oaths. We should just answer ” yes or no” and leave it at that.

As Christians our words should be trustworthy.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal God,

Thank You for Your Holy Scriptures that guides and direct, and lead me in the path of holiness.

Please help me to be trustworthy in my words, and in my character.

O Lord Jesus, You know that I need Your help each and every day to be pleasing to You.

In my thoughts, words and deeds.

Please help me to speak the truth at all times.

If I have sinned in my words, please forgive me and cleanse me and make me clean.

I praise and give You thanks for Your forgiveness, healing and restoration.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.



Daily Bible Verses


Jeremiah 23:24

” Can anyone hide himself in secret places, so I shall not see him?” says the Lord.

” Do I not fill heaven and earth?” say the Lord.


God is the only true and living God. The Creator God Who gives us the breathe we breath.

And He sees and knows everything, today, tomorrow and forever.

There is absolutely nothing, or nowhere that we can hide from Him.


Prayer (for you)

Eternal Father in Heaven,

You are wise, powerful, and there is nothing in this world that escapes Your knowledge and view.

How wonderful and great You are.

I cannot wait for You to get rid of the devil, evil, sin and wickedness.

So Your creation  – so that we can live in peace, harmony, joy and happiness and contentment with You forever and ever.

Without any sadness, sorrow, disease, pain, death, trouble and distress, for the former things – sinful things will be no more.

O Lord Jesus, there are signs of the end times everywhere, and I look forward to that wonderful day when You will return.

Please help me to be ready always and stay ready, because Your coming is very imminent.

I give You thanks and praise for Your goodness, kindness, tender mercies and compassions to me.

Please continue to lead me in the way everlasting,  and keep me under the shadow of  Your wings where I am safe and secure.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.




Daily Bible Verses


Jesus says, ” Where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”


God’s Holy Spirit is with every Christian, but He says He will be with us in a very special way when we gather together to seek Him in prayer, worship and to encourage each other.

Prayer ( for you)

Eternal God,

I honour, glorify and give You thanks and praise for another day when I can communicate with You in prayer.

And tell You all my concerns and challenges.

And You will incline Your ear to me and grant me Your peace, and help, guide and direct me in the perfect way.

I thank You for Your promise of the Holy Spirit to be with me to comfort and help me.

And that when we gather to pray Your Holy Spirit, Holy Presence is with us.

And also when I pray by myself, Your Holy Spirit is also there to help me, guide me and teach me to pray.

What a wonderful God, You are, mighty to save and strong to save Your creation from sin and destruction.

Thank You for Your amazing love and saving grace.

I love and adore You, dear Lord.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.




Daily Bible Verses


Psalms 37:4

Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.


We delight in the Lord when we rejoice in the God of our salvation.

And be glad and happy in the Lord and in our personal relationship with Him.

Knowing that we can take everything to the God of the Universe in prayer and He hears us and will answer our prayer with the best for us.

Then our desires will be God’s desire for us.

God’s desires for us are the ones that will give us joy, peace, hope and everlasting contentment.

Prayer (for you)

Heavenly Father,

I delight in You, the God of my salvation, my Creator and Sustainer of my life.

I give You thanks and praise for Your Infinite and abundant love for me.

For Your loving watch care and protection from the arch-enemy.

O Lord God, I pray that Your desires for me will also become my desires as well.

You are the Omnipotent (all powerful) God, and You are in control of everything, today, tomorrow and for all eternity.

So I put my total faith, hope, trust and confidence in You because You have my best interest in view.

I thank You in advance for giving me the desires of my heart.

I am so thankful for my personal relationship with You, and I will continue to seek You in prayer and Bible study, and look to You.

Pressing on to glory and eternal life through Jesus Christ, my Saviour.

O Lord, thank You for salvation so rich and free,  and Your loving kindness, tender mercies and compassions to me.

I confess my sins and ask for Your forgiveness and cleansing.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.