Daily Bible Verses

1 John 5:14

And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.

To realize that the prayers that we pray here on earth are heard in heaven is very comforting assurance.

A  little boy fell into a well. For hours the child screamed without anyone coming to the rescue.

Suddenly the tears of the child was interrupted by a voice at the mouth of the well. It was the voice of the child’s father.

“Tommy, is that you down there?  Hope sprang up in that young child’s heart upon realizing he would be saved.

It is so comforting to know that God, our Heavenly Father hears our every prayer.

God is always ready and willing to save us. That’s the reason He sent Jesus to save us from sin and destruction.

Without the plan of salvation, we would be eternally lost, but God loved us so much that He sent Jesus to save us.

It is so reassuring to know that we have a Saviour, who shed His precious blood to save us and reconcile us back to God.

God did everything to save us from sin and destruction. What a loving Heavenly Father and Creator God.

What a mighty God we serve, mighty to save and strong to deliver, and He always hears us when we pray.


Jesus on the mainline, tell Him what you want.

His line is never busy, tell Him what you want. Call Him up and tell what you want.

Yes, Jesus on the mainline, tell Him what you want. Yes call Him up and tell what you want.

Go on, call Him up and tell what you want. Yes, call Him up, call Him up, and tell Him everything.

Remember to always pray and tell God all your needs and concerns.

God and Jesus hears your every word of prayer.