Daily Bible Verses

Mark 11:22

Jesus says, ” Have faith in God.”

Romans 10:17

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

When we hear and listen to the word of God, it helps to build our faith in God.

God’s Holy Word is spiritual food for our soul. It nourishes our soul and spirit, as we walk the Christian pathway.

If we don’t feed on the Word of God, we will become feeble, weak and malnourished Christians.

Beloved, you should love and abide in God’s Word and it will strengthen you and make you a strong Christian, who is able to resist temptations and the schemes of the devil.

So let us always read and listen (eg. sermons) to God’s Holy Word each and every day.

God speaks to us through His Holy Word, and we speak to God when we pray.