Daily Bible Verses


1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing.

In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.


Let us be glad and rejoice in the Lord, no matter what happens.

Yes, it is hard to rejoice during difficult and challenging times.

But always remember that there is a God above, and Jesus Christ, our Saviour who is is control of everything.

And God has the solution to every problem that we encounter in this world.

So look up, have faith, trust and believe that God is still in control, and He will work out everything for your good, and He always has your best interests in mind.

So even though the devil, the evil one, the arch-deceiver is trying to destroy, oppress, annoy and cause problems, stress, strife and trials for us.

Just remember that we have a God above who loves and cares for us.

And Jesus, our Saviour and Redeemer, Who came to save us, and has been victorious over sin, the devil and evil.

And because Jesus has been victorious, He will always give us the victory over sin and our arch-enemy.

Remember that it is only a matter of time, and the devil, our arch-enemy will be destroyed forever.

So hold on, press on to glory, and rejoice in the Lord always.

And pray without ceasing, giving thanks to God always for His loving kindness, tender mercies and compassions to you.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal & Holy God,

I am so thankful that I can rejoice in everything because You are my God, my  loving Heavenly Father, and You love me with an Infinite, Everlasting and abundant love.

I come humbly to seek You in prayer and supplication, and to tell You everything that is on my mind.

I bring all my cares, my concerns, my challenges, my trials to You, because I know that You have the solution to anything that I may have to deal with.

O Lord, please lead, guide and direct me, and show me what to do, when I am overwhelmed and do not know how to handle these trying situations.

O Lord Jesus, please help me to always remember that I live in a sinful world, with sinful people, and untoward things will happen.

Please help me to turn to You, look to You, for help, comfort and reassurance at all times.

And pray and tell You everything, because You already know, You read me like a book, and there is nothing that I can hide from you.

O Lord, please give me more faith, belief, trust and hope in You, and help me to never give up.

Help me to keep going forward in faith, confident that You have everything under control, and You will work things out for me in a good and perfect way.

O Lord Jesus, I look forward to that wonderful and glorious day when You return, and sin, sinner, the devil, evil and wickedness will be no more.

Instead there will be love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, holiness, righteousness, and all the wonders that You are preparing for us, and where only the saved, the redeemed will dwell.

O Lord Jesus, I want to be there in that new Heaven and new earth.

Please forgive me and help me to be ready and stay ready to meet You, because You could come at any time.

Also help me to rejoice in You always, and pray without ceasing, giving You thanks and praise in everything.

O Lord Jesus, sometimes it is not easy, so please help me, I pray.

In Your precious name. Amen.