Daily Bible Verses


Psalms 111:2

The works of the Lord are great, studied by all who have pleasure in them.


Works of the Lord – are the activities of the Lord.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal Heavenly Father,

O Lord, I love Your works – Your activities.

You made the day and night, the sun to rule the day, and the moon by night.

You send the rain to water the earth, to grow delicious fruits and vegetables, food for us, to nourish our bodies.

You made the beautiful carpet (the green grass), the beautiful flowers, the magnificent trees.

You provide for the small and large animals,  sea animals, the birds, and all creeping things, You created them and provide for them.

And You created humanity in Your Image.

And You give us the breathe we breath, and keep our hearts beating.

O Lord, Your activities are too numerous to mention.

O Lord, You are the giver of life, the Source and Sustainer of all living things.

You keep me safe from day to day, and Your loving watch care and protection shows how much You care for me.

I love You dear Lord with all my heart, my soul, my mind and spirit, and I am deeply interested in all Your ways, and I want to learn more about You, O Lord God Amighty.

So please help me draw close to You through the study and reading of Your Holy Scriptures, so that I can learn, understand, and realize how great You are.

You are the only true and living God, and there is no other.

And Jesus, You are my only Saviour and Redeemer.

I praise and honour You for what You have done and doing for me.

Please keep me safe and secure under the shadow of Your wings, and guide me, lead and direct me in Your perfect way, the holy way of Christ-centered living.

Thank You for waking me up this morning.

Another day to give You thanks, praise and honour You, for Your goodness, loving kindness, tender mercies and compassions that are new every morning.

I ask for Your loving watch care and protection every moment today.

In Jesus’ precious name, I pray with thanksgiving. Amen.