Daily Bible Verses


Psalms 83:1

Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, and do not be still, O God!


In the Psalms we will find a lots of pleas to God for His help and deliverance from sin and oppression.

When we realize that we need God’s help, that we are helpless without His intervention and that we cannot solve our problems, then God will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

Then we will acknowledge God, and give Him all the glory for His power, and for the great and mighty things that He can and will do for us, if we only trust and obey Him.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal God,

How good, merciful, loving, kind and compassionate You are.

And You have the solution to every problem or issue that I will ever encounter.

Please help me to have more faith, trust and hope in You, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that You are more than able, and more than willing to do for me what is best.

O Lord, I acknowledge that I need You every hour, every day to help, to lead, to guide and show me the good and perfect way.

I thank You for Your salvation so rich and free to everyone who acknowledge You in their lives.

I bring every problem and concern to You at this time and I ask for Your intervention, and that You resolve every thing that I am struggling with.

Thank You dear Lord, for being always there for me, and I acknowledge Your magnificent and Mighty Power.

You alone is all Mighty and powerful, and there is no other God, but You.

Please help me to always remember to ” call on You first in my times of distress and trouble, because You are waiting to help, and to act on my behalf.

I am so glad to be part of the family of God.

O Lord, keep me safe and sound under the shadow of Your wings.

And also keep me ” as the apple of Your Eye.”

I thank You for Your loving watch care and protection.

I give You all the glory, honour, adoration and praise that You deserve.

In Jesus’ name, I pray with thanksgiving. Amen.