Daily Bible Verses


Psalms 145:5

I will mediate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty and on Your wondrous works.


We can mediate on God’s glorious splendor and His wondrous works ( activities) by remembering how He has guided us and saved us personally.

And also by looking at His Attributes of Infinite love, His Omnipotence ( all powerful), Omniscient ( all knowing) His Omnipresent ( He is present everywhere).

Also God is good, gracious, kind, of tender mercies and compassions to us.

He is also Majestic and glorious and full of Splendour.

And His saving grace to us is amazing.

We can also look at His amazing Creation, and how He Sustains us.

And as we listen to Christians tell of God’s leading, guidance and direction in their live, we can see His great splendor and His majesty and His wondrous activities.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal Father in Heaven,

Merciful, loving, and Majestic God, I will mediate on Your glorious splendor, and Your great activities.

The beauty of nature – Your Creation, You are the Source of life, and Your Created me in Your Image and Your Likeness, and I praise and exalt You.

Please help me to focus on You, and Your Attributes, Your wonders, and Your glory that I see in nature.

Also on Your help to me when I need You, and I need You every hour, Most gracious God.

And for Your Infinite, unconditional and eternal love, and amazing grace to us, Your Created beings.

Please help me to continue to learn and understand You, and I ask for an increase in my faith, trust and hope in You.

Lord Jesus, I thank You for the “blessed hope” of Your imminent return to receive Your redeemed.

I pray that I will be among those who are redeemed.

Please help me to be faithful in my Christian walk, and focus on glory, looking forward to that wonderful and glorious day, when I will see You face to face, my Jesus, my Saviour.

Lord God, Lord Jesus, I praise and thank You for Your sacrifice of love to save me.

In Your precious name, I pray. Amen.