Daily Bible Verses


Acts 4:12

” Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”


Jesus died so that we might live free from sin, evil, wickedness, and have eternal life through our Saviour’s death and resurrection.

Jesus paid the penalty for sin, and He defeated the devil the arch-enemy, when He shed His precious on Calvary’s cross for our redemption.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal God,

Thank You for making the greatest sacrifice when You sent Jesus, Your Only Beloved Son to shed His precious blood for my salvation.

I also thank You for Your Plan of Salvation – of Redemption that You put in place to reconcile, redeem and save humanity and bring us back to a good personal relationship and communication with our Great Creator God.

Sin caused by the evil devil, the arch-enemy broke the connection between Creator God and humanity.

Then Jesus came to re-connect humanity back to God, so that we can have a blessed and glorious reunion with Him.

And dear Lord, one day soon You will put an end to sin, suffering, wars, sickness, pain, disease, death , the evil devil, and wickedness forever.

O Lord, what a wonderful day that will be when You make New Heavens and a new Earth, where only the redeemed will dwell and live in total peace, harmony and joy.

Lord Jesus, I will also get to see You face to face, and commune with You, my Lord God and my Saviour and Redeemer.

By faith I look to You, believe in You, trust in You, hope in You, but soon and very soon I will see You in all Your power and magnificent glory.

Please help me to be ready and stay ready, because Your coming is imminent – signs of the times are everywhere.

I thank You for what You have done for my salvation.

I love and adore, honour and exalt You,

In Jesus’ precious name, I pray. Amen.