Daily Bible Verses


Luke 23:34

Jesus says, ” Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”

The Romans soldiers who crucified Jesus did not understand what they were doing, and the eternal consequences of their actions.

They did not comprehend that they were crucifying the Lord Jesus, the One who came to the world to save sinners.

Still, Jesus was very merciful to them and He prayed for them and ask God to forgive them.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal God,

Thank You for sending Jesus to save me.

Lord Jesus, You are so good, so merciful, loving and forgiving.

Even to those who crucified You on the cruel cross.

You extended mercy and forgiveness to them.

What a wonderful Saviour, You are.

No matter what we have done, You will always extend to us Your mercy and forgiveness forever.

We just have to come to You, and You will accept us, forgive and cleanse us from all sin, iniquity and transgressions.

Even to Judas – who betrayed You,  Your mercy and forgiveness was available to him also, if only he had repented.

But instead Judas hardened his heart.

There is nothing that You can do for someone when they will not humble themself before the God of the Universe, and Jesus Christ, our Saviour,

And return to the Creator God, the Saviour of the world, so that they can receive pardon, mercy and forgiveness and salvation.

O Lord, You have done everything to save and redeem us, Your children from sin and destruction.

Lord, please help me, forgive me, guide me,  and have mercy on me.

Lord Jesus, please continue to lead and direct me along the Christian way – the narrow pathway that leads to life eternal through You.

And save me in Your Eternal Kingdom.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.