Daily Bible Verses


Jeremiah 17:7

Blessed is the person who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord.

For they shall be like a tree planted by the waters.


God loves to give us His many blessings.

Let us have faith in God, and put our complete trust and hope in Him.

Although we will have trials and challenges in this fallen world, let us continue to trust in God because we will eventually be victorious over sin.

Because there is victory in Jesus, our Saviour forever.

Prayer (for you)

Holy God,

I will trust, have faith and hope in You always and forever.

Because You are such a good God, so loving, compassionate and of tender mercies.

And You have pity towards us Your creation, and Your desire is to save us from the arch-enemy.

O Lord God, You have made a way for me – for everyone to be saved, redeemed, and receive the gift of eternal life through  Jesus’ great sacrifice of love for us.

Thank You for Your great and merciful Plan of Salvation, and the gospel message of truth.

As the Holy Scriptures says, ” we shall know the truth and the truth will make us free.”

Free from the wiles of the evil devil and from the bondage of sin.

Lord Jesus, You have overcome sin for us by Your sacrifice on Calvary, and if I hold on to You, I will be an overcomer as well.

My desire is to be save and redeemed from sin.

Please help me to continue on the narrow pathway daily, and seek You will all my heart, soul and mind.

I pray that Your Holy Spirit will continue to lead me into all truth, and in the way everlasting.

Please forgive me, heal and restore me I pray.

And  help me to continue to grow in grace and in the knowledge of You more and more each day.

In Jesus’ name, I pray with thanksgiving. Amen.







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