Daily Bible Verses


Romans 15:13

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.


As Christians we should always have hope, joy and peace.

We are part of the family of God, and have a lot of reasons to be hopeful, joyful and be at peace, ever in the midst of the storms of life.

Because our faith, trust and hope is in the Great Creator God, the Source and Sustainer of all life.

And God is for us and He is always with us.

We just have to acknowledge Him in our lives.

So no matter what trials or challenges that may come our way, just take it to the Lord in prayer.

Prayer ( for you)

Eternal God,

You are the only true and living God, the God of hope, joy, and peace.

Please be with me and help me to always remember to put my hope, faith and trust in You.

So that no matter what happens, I can still abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Lord Jesus, You said, that the Holy Spirit is always there to comfort and help us.

I love and adore You, and I believe in You and accept You as my Saviour.

Help me to endure to the end, because Your Holy Words says, ” that those who endure to the end will be saved.”

And my greatest desire is to be saved in Your Eternal Kingdom.

O Lord, You know everything about me, and I ask for Your help in every area of my life.

Please heal me, restore me and forgive me from every sin.

And give me more hope, joy and Your peace that surpasses all understanding.

Thank You dear Lord for Your leading, guidance and direction in my life.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

NB. Pray about your individual needs and concerns. Take it to the          Lord in prayer.

God hears every prayer that you pray, and He will answer you.

Just have faith, hope and trust in God.

Because God is with you and God is for you.