Daily Bible Verses


Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.


God knows and sees everything, there is nothing hidden from His view.

So if we want our life to be the best that it can be, we should put our trust, faith and hope in the only true and living God, our Creator, Sustainer, and the Source of our life.

God gives us the breathe we breath, and He loves and cares for us, and want us to trust in Him, because He wants the best for us, and He wants to save us from the wiles of the devil, and give us life eternal.

Prayer (for you)

Holy God,

My trust, my faith, my hope is in You, the God of the Universe andr the Cosmos.

You are the God, Who knows, Who sees everything, and there is nothing that is hidden from Your view, from Your knowledge.

O Lord, You have the solution to every issue, challenge, problem that we face in this world.

And Your perspective is completely perfect, holy and good.

I have a limited perspective, but You, O Lord, can see today, tomorrow, and down the corridor of time, and You are always ready and able to show me what to do.

Because we do not see the future, we sometimes make mistakes, but thanks be to God, to Jesus, that You will forgive me.

And will show me the solution to every issue, problem, as I turn to You, look to You, for help, guidance and direction, because You are more than willing to help me.

O Lord, I acknowledge You in my life, and I ask that You guide and direct my path.

And help me to always remember that You are just a prayer away.

Please increase my faith and trust in You, I pray.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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