Daily Bible Verses


Proverbs 4:23

Keep ( guard) your heart with all deligence, for out of it springs the issues of life.


Whatever we think, watch, listen to will affect our minds and our thinking.

If we dwell on worldly things, sinful things, it will influence and have an effect on what we do,  what we think, and the words that we speak.

So let us fill our minds with good thoughts, good actions, and good words.

Fill our hearts ( our minds) with God’s Holy Words that is ” lamp to our feet and a light to our path”

To show us the way to resist the evil one, and how to live a Godly, holy, Christian, good life that leads to salvation and life eternal through Jesus Christ, our Saviour.

Prayer (for you)

Heavenly Father,

Please guard my heart, my mind, my thinking.

Please guide me only to those things that edify, and will lead me in the paths of holiness.

Because whatever I surround myself with, will influence and affect what I do, what I say, and my thinking process.

O Lord Jesus, please give me a clear mind and help me to focus on You, look to You for guidance and direction.

So that You can guide the avenues of my mind, and I can resist sin and live a holy and consecrated life.

And be pleasing to You in everything that I do, what I say and my thoughts.

O Lord Jesus please forgive me of every sin, and cleanse me from anything that is unlike You.

I ask that You help me to continue to go forward, and press on,  looking to You, Lord Jesus, the Author and Finisher (perfector) of my faith.

In Your precious name, I pray. Amen.




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