Daily Bible Verses


Hebrews 4:16

Let us therefore come boldly to the Throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.


It is so wonderful to know that we can come to God’s Throne of grace in prayer at anytime and we will find the help that we need in our times of trouble, distress and challenges.

As the song says, ” O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come.”

Our shelter from the stormy blast, and our defense is sure.”

Prayer ( for you)

Our Eternal God,

I come boldly to Your Throne of grace, where there is always help, guidance and direction for me.

I thank You so much for the privilege of prayer, when I can tell You everything that is on my mind, anything that I am concerned about, and You will help and direct me in the perfect way.

You are such a loving, good, compassionate and merciful God, Who is Mighty to save us from the evil one and from sin.

And You are always willing to show me what to do when I am dealing with any issues, challenges or problems.

Please help me always remember that You are just a prayer away.

Also I ask You to increase my faith, my trust and confidence in You, each and every day, as I journey along the Christian pathway.

Lord Jesus, I thank You for the blessed hope that I have in You, and I look forward with great anticipation to that great day, when I will see You face to face, my dear Lord and Saviour.

Thank You for Your loving kindness, tender mercies, Your forgiveness, Your amazing grace and sacrifice of love to saveĀ  and redeem me.

O Lord, I honour, glorify, exalt, magnify and I love and adore You.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.





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