Daily Bible Verses


Psalms 94:19

In the multitude of my anxieties with me, Your comforts delight my soul.


God is our ever present comfort, which is why we should always seek Him.

This includes when we have difficulty controlling our emotions.

The Lord wants to calm our anxieties and give us hope to overcome our distress. ( This is a quote by Charles Stanley.)

Prayer ( for you)

O Lord God,

My Creator, my Source and Sustainer of my life.

I praise and honour You for Your goodness, tender mercies and grace.

I come to You through Jesus Christ, my Saviour.

Thank You for being my comfort when I am anxious or in distress.

Help me to always seek You in the good times or in times when trials or challenges come.

Thank You O Lord, for Your peace that You give to me, the peace that I can have in the midst of the storms of life.

Yes Lord, my faith, hope and trust is in You, the only One Who can calm the storms of life.

I praise and thank You for Your loving watch care and protection, and for always being there to comfort and to guide me.

I pray for those who need Your help at this time.

Please help them, provide and guide them in the good and perfect way.

And give them courage and strength for each day.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.