Daily Bible Verses


Romans 8:31

If God is for us, who can be against us?


Even though we may have trials, challenges and problems, and people may cause us sorrow and strife.

Absolute nothing can triumph over us when we are followers of Jesus Christ.

Jesus has been triumphant and victorious, and we will absolutely and completely share in His victory.

Prayer (for you)

Our Heavenly Father,

I praise and adore You and I exalt You, O Lord God, Holy, Just and Merciful, You are.

I am so glad to be a Christian, and a part of the family of God.

God is with me, and God is for me.

O Lord, please help me not to be anxious, worry or fret about anything.

But instead, I will bring all my concerns and cares to You, because You see, know and understand what I do not.

O Lord, You see down the corridor of time, and  I know that You have my best interests in mind, and You will work everything out for my good and for my salvation.

So I will trust, have faith and hope in You all the days of my life.

Because You are such a loving, merciful and compassionate God.

Mighty to save and strong to deliver Your redeemed from sin and destruction.

So no matter what may happen, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I am saved, sanctified by the blood of Jesus.

And I will be victorious over sin, sinners and the arch-enemy.

Because, Jesus, You have conquered and You have been victorious over the evil devil.

And it is only a matter of time and You will come again, Lord Jesus, and You will put an end to all the sorrow, suffering and evil in this world, and the devil, sin and sinners will be no more.

Lord Jesus, I look forward to that wonderful and glorious day, when I will see You, my Saviour and Redeemer face to face.

There is victory in Jesus, my Saviour forever.

Praise the Lord, I am redeemed and I will be victorious as well.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.