Daily Bible Verses


2 Thessalonians 3:16

Now may the God of peace Himself give you peace always in every way.


True peace comes only from God. And it is a gift from God that He gives to those who have faith and trust in Him.

When we have our own personal relationship with God and Jesus, we do not need to worry, fret or get anxious about anything.

Because when trouble and trials come, we  know that we can choose to trust in God’s wisdom, His love for us, His power, and His ability to provide for us, and be there for us in every situation.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal God,

Creator of the Universe, the Cosmos, and the only true and living God.

I give You praise and thanks for Your peace that surpasses all understanding.

I am so glad to be part of the family of God.

My faith, trust and hope is in You, O Lord God Almighty.

And it is so good to know that I do not need to worry, fret or be anxious when trial, challenges come my way, because Your help is always there for me.

So help me always to remember to come to You in prayer, trusting in Your loving kindness, tender mercies, Your wisdom, Your power, Your compassions, Your goodness, and that You are able to solve any situation.

I thank You O Lord, that Your help is ever- present, and that You are always willing and able to protect, provide, lead, guide and direct me in the perfect way.

And give me courage and strength for today and hope for tomorrow.

And of course, ” give me Your peace in every way.”

Praise You Lord God!

Praise You Lord Jesus!

In Your precious name, I pray. Amen.






Prayer (for you)

My Eternal God,

I give You praise and thanks that I can have Your peace at all times.

How wonderful, how great it is to have a close personsl relationship with the God of the Universe, and Jesus Christ, my Saviour.

Please help me to continue to have a closer walk with You, through reading of Your Holy Scriptures, prayer, and worship.

I thank you for the opportunity of prayer when I can come to You  with complete confidence, and bring everything to You, and ask for Your help and guidance.

O Lord, You are such a good God, so kind, compassionate and merciful toward me.

Always willing to show me, help me, lead and direct in the good and perfect way.