Daily Bible Verses


Psalms 119:29-30

Remove from me the way of lying, and grant me Your law graciously.

I have chosen the way of truth, Your judgements I have laid before me.


Eternal God,

I give You thanks and praise for another day when I can come to seek You in prayer.

And tell You everything that weighs heavily on my mind.

Knowing that You have the solution to every problem, and nothing is too hard for You to do.

Thank You for Your Holy Scriptures words that give me strength for today and hope for tomorrow.

Lord Jesus, You are the way, the truth and the life.

Help me always to always ” chose the way of truth,” and seek to know the truth – because the truth will set me free from the bondage of sin and lies.

Help me to continually seek You, to learn more about You, to read and study the Holy Bible, where I will find the truth about what life is all about – and the way of salvation.

Lord God, Lord Jesus, I want to understand and know more about You, and have a closer personal relationship with You.

Grant it Jesus, is my plea.

Because to know You is life eternal.

I love and adore You and I bless and honour You.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.