Daily Bible Verses


Ephesians 2:4

God, Who is  rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us.


We were all living contrary to God before we accepted Jesus as our Saviour and Lord.

Because of God’s Infinite, unconditional and amazing grace and love for us, He sent Jesus to save us, to reconcile us back Him, our Creator God.

Such love. Praise the Lord.

Prayer ( for you)

Eternal God,

How great You are.

Thank You for Your  great, wonderful, Infinite, unconditional, amazing love and grace to me.

How merciful and compassionate You are.

When I was in sin, You made a way for me to be saved and reconciled, redeemed back to You.

There is nothing that I can do to save myself, only You, Lord Jesus is my salvation and my saving grace.

Lord God, thank You for sending Jesus to save, reconcile and redeem me back to You, my Creator God.

Jesus, thank You for coming, and shedding Your precious blood for me – for humanity.

Jesus, You are my joy, the Rock of my salvation, my Bright and Morning star, and my soon coming King.

I look forward to that great day when You will appear in all Your power and magnificent glory as King of kings and Lord of lords.

Please help me to be faithful in my Christian journey, endure to the end and press on to glory.

Lord God, I honour, glorify, praise and thank You for all that You have done for me.

I love and adore You.

In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.