Daily Bible Verses


Proverbs 12:25

Anxiety and in a person’s heart causes depression, but a good word makes it glad.


Let us be encouraging in our words. The world is full of naysayers, critics, detracters and ridiculers.

Let us strive to be Christ-like and speak encouraging good words that make the heart glad – bring happiness.

The Bible says ”  We should guard our hearts (our mind) because out of it comes the issues of life.”

We can tell who a person is by the words that they speak.

A person is defiled by the words that they speak.

Prayer ( for you)

Eternal God,

Holy and Righteous, You are.

I praise and adore You and I bless Your Holy Name.

You are such a good, merciful, loving, compassionate and a God of justice and tender mercies.

Please help me to be encouraging in the words that I speak to others.

And I pray that my words will uplift others and make them glad and  happy in the Lord.

Also help me to not to get anxious or discouraged when other people speak words that are not Christ-like, because they will have to give account for their sins.

O Lord, please help us and forgive us of our sins in thought, actions and in our words.

And please help me to let my light shine that others may see Your goodness in me, and glorify You, Lord God.

As Your Holy word says” Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Colossians 3:16

Lord God, Lord Jesus, I love and adore You, and I thank You for loving me and for Your saving grace.

In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.