Daily Bible Verses


Psalms 116:1-2

I love the Lord, because He has heard my voice and my supplications.

Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live.


God hears our prayers at all times. His Ear is always open to our cry for help, for forgiveness, guidance, protection and for our soul salvation.

Prayer (for you)

O Lord God,

The Creator of Heaven and earth and everything that exists.

How great You are.

I stand in awe of Your wonders and Your magnificent Mighty power.

I worship and praise You and give You all the honour, glory, praise and adoration that You, and only You deserve.

I thank You for this Holy day of rest and gladness.

A day that You blessed and sanctified – made holy.

As the Hymn says,

Don’t forget the Sabbath, the Lord our God has blest.

Of all the week, the brightest, of all the week the best.

It bring repose from labour, it tells of joy divine.

It beams of light descending with Heavenly beauty shine.

Welcome, welcome, ever welcome blessed Sabbath day.

Yes, the Holy Sabbath rest, by our God divinely blest.

It to us a sign shall be, through- out all eternity.

O Lord, I thank You for all Your goodness, kindness, loving kindness, tender mercies and compassions to me – to all humanity.

And for Your amazing Plan of Salvation to save and redeem us back to You, our Creator God.

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your sacrifice of love, Your precious blood that was shed on Calvary cross to save to the uttermost those of us who believe and accept You as our loving Saviour.

I worship You, praise, love and adore You with all my heart, soul and mind, and I will seek You forever.

My greatest desire is to be saved in Your Eternal Kingdom, please save me Lord Jesus.

In Your precious name, I pray with thanksgiving. Amen.