Daily Bible Verses


Colossians 3:2

Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.


Quote from Charles Stanley.

” Our mind is working all the time – constantly processing information.”

” And what you think about affects you more than you realize, because who you are today is the result of what you have been thinking all these past years.”

” That is why Christians are admonished to focus our thoughts on things that honour the Lord – because God’s goal is to change us into  the likeness of Jesus Christ, and that transformation begins in our minds.”

Prayer (for you)

Eternal God,

I give You thanks and praise for another day when I can come into Your Holy Presence through prayer.

Thank You for hearing my prayer and granting me Your peace.

O Lord, please help me to protect my mind by what I listen to, what I watch and what I allow to influence me.

This is not easy because in this age and time, there is so much information around.

So I ask for Your help in choosing the perfect and holy – the things that will affect my mind in a positive way – and that will help me as I seek to become more like Jesus.

More like Jesus, in my thoughts, words and actions.

Lord Jesus, I need Your help every hour to be totally consecrated to You, and to live my life pleasing to You.

As Your Holy Scriptures says, ” that we should guard the avenues of our mind, because out of our minds comes the issues of life.

And the devil works through the minds of people to make them do and say sinful things.

Dear Lord, please help me to resist the devil and he will flee from me.

Lord Jesus, help me to draw near to You, and You will draw near to me and help me to resist temptation and the things that lead to destruction.

Lord Jesus, You are life and life eternal, so help me choose You, and I ask that You lead, guide and direct me in the things that I watch, listen to, and what I allow to influence me.

Also I ask that You guard my mind from the influence of sinful words and actions of other people.

Please give me a sound and clear mind, so that I can worship You, and follow You all the way, and be saved in Your Eternal Kingdom.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.