Daily Bible Verses


Matthew 24:42,44

Jesus said,

” Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.

“Therefore, you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”


Signs of the times tell us that we are in the last days of earth’s history and Jesus’ return is very soon.

But we do not know the exact day or time, so we need to watch and be always ready because Jesus can return at any time.

Prayer (for you)

Lord God,

How great You are. You are Mighty to save and strong to deliver me from sin and destruction.

Thank You for sending Jesus to be my Only Saviour and Redeemer.

Thank You Lord Jesus, for shedding Your precious blood to redeem and save me.

The Holy Scriptures says that ” without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.” (forgiveness of sins)

Before Jesus came and paid the ultimate sacrifice, they used to sacrifice a lamb without blemish to atone for people’s sins.

But Jesus Who is the ” Lamb of God” Who takes away the sins of the world, He sacrificed Himself for us once and for all.

And now we do not have to use a lamb to atone for our sins.

The great transaction has been done through Jesus Christ.

Lord Jesus, thank You paying the penalty for my sins.

And for letting us know that You will return – but this time not as the suffering Saviour, but as King of kings and Lord of lords.

To receive those of us who have accepted You. and redeemed by Your precious blood shed on Calvary’s cross.

Lord Jesus, thank You for warning us to be always ready because no one knows the day or hour of Your return.

You could come at any time, morning, noon or night – Your return is imminent.

Lord Jesus, please help me to be always ready to meet You when You return in all Your power and magnificent glory.

I look forward to that wonderful day, when I will see You face to face, my Saviour and Lord.

Lord Jesus, please help me to keep looking to You, ever going forward in faith, hold on to Jesus, never letting go, and keep pressing on to glory.

Because some day soon I will see You face to face, my Saviour, in all Your magnificent glory.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.