Daily Bible Verses


Jonah 2:7

When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord.


Sometimes it takes trials and problems to make us remember that there is a God above, Who created us, and loves us with an Infinite and eternal love, and wants to save us from sin and destruction.

Prayer (for you)

Lord God,

Please help me to always remember that You are a God Who loves and cares for me with tender mercies and loving kindness.

Help me to develop my own personal relationship with You, so that when trials, problems and challenges comes my way, I will immediately turn to You for the help that only You can give.

O Lord, it is so wonderful to know that I can come to You with my simple prayer, and You will hear me and help and comfort me.

And You will show me what to do, and lead me in the perfect way.

O Lord, teach me to pray and to always seek You in the good times as well as in the difficult times.

Lord Jesus, please help me to remember that You are always there to help, lead, guide and save me from the arch-enemy of my soul.

And show me how to be an over-comer as You are.

Thank You dear Lord, for forgiving me of all my sins and for Your cleansing.

I give You praise and thanks for Your goodness, tender mercies, compassions and eternal everlasting love for me.

I love and adore You and I bless Your Holy Name.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.





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