Daily Bible Verses


Proverbs 28:13

Those who cover their sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.


Sin left unconfessed retains its awful power over us, meanwhile sins that are brought to the light of God’s truth through repentance and confession lose their ability to keep us bound to the arch-enemy of our souls.

Confession of our sins is not beating ourself up because of our sins, but when we confess and repent we are embracing the freedom from sin that Jesus offers us. (paraphrase from quote by Charles Stanley)

Prayer (for you)

Heavenly Father,

Holy You are.

How wonderful to be able to come to You with all my issues, my sins, and You will forgive me and cleanse me from every sin and iniquity through Jesus Christ, my Saviour.

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your precious blood that You shed on Calvary’s cross for my salvation.

I want to prosper and receive Your loving tender mercies, so I confess and repent of anything that I have done, said, or thought that is sinful in Your Holy Sight.

Lord Jesus, I give You thanks and praise for Your loving kindness, tender mercies, compassions and Your sacrifice of love to save me.

Please help me so that I do not cover my sins but to always confess and repent.

I want to be pleasing to You so I ask for Your help, guidance and direction from day to day.

I glorify, exalt and magnify You, O Lord God of hosts.

In Jesus’ name, I pray with thanksgiving. Amen.






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