Daily Bible Verses


Psalms 9:9-10

The Lord also will be a Refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.

And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; for You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.


Let us seek the Lord God with all our heart, mind and our soul.

Seek Him in the good times as well as difficult times.

So that when the challenges, troubles and difficulties come, we will know where to turn and that the Lord God is there for us, because we have developed a personal relationship with Him.

Prayer (for you)

My Eternal God,

Thank You for being my help, my Refuge in times of distress and challenges.

O Lord, I yearn to be totally and completely consecrated to You, to be Wholly Thine.

Grant it Jesus, is my plea.

Lord Jesus, please forgive me of all my sins and cleanse me.

I am so glad that I know You, dear Lord, and that I have my own personal relationship with You by faith.

I ask that You develop and increase my faith in You more each day.

O Lord, please lead me to seek You in the good times as well as in the challenges times, so that when trouble comes, I will turn to You as the flower turns to the sunlight for life.

I praise and thank You for always being there to help me, to guide me and to show me what to do, and do for me what I cannot do for myself.

Dear Lord, help me always to seek You first and all things will be added to me.

Things that I need, things that are important to me, showing me  things that I do not know, and giving me wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

O Lord, give me the faith, trust and hope to seek You first in every situation,  because You will never forsake those who seek You.

I give You all the glory, praise and thanksgiving for Your loving kindness and tender mercies to me.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.



Daily Bible Verses


Psalms 18: 1-3. 30-32

I will love You, O Lord, my strength.

The Lord is my Rock and my Fortress and my Deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust.

My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

I will call upon the Lord, Who is worthy to be praised; so shall I be saved from my enemies.

As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.

For who is God, except the Lord? and Who is a Rock, except our God?

It  is God Who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect.


God gives His wisdom to those who seek Him and acknowledge Him in their lives for Who He is.

God is Creator and the Source and Sustainer of all life.

He gives us the breathe of life that we breath.

Every breathe that we take comes from God.

God is the Rock of our Salvation, our Fortress, our Shield from the enemy and our strength from day to day.

God is a present help in times of trouble, therefore we do not need to worry or fret, instead take everything to Him in prayer.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal God,

I love and exalt You, O Lord God Almighty.

How wonderful to know You, and understand more about You each and every day.

You are the Source, Sustainer of my life and the Rock of my salvation.

Thank You for Your loving kindness and tender mercies to me.

And for Your Plan of Salvation that saves those of us who choose You.

O Lord, I choose You, and I ask for an increase in my faith, hope and trust in You.

You are worthy to be praised and adored because You are a Shield to those who trust in You.

Thank You for Your Holy Scriptures that gives me strength for today and hope for tomorrow.

Please help me to always remember to bring everything to You in prayer, morning, noon or night – at anytime.

O Lord, please continue to lead, guide and direct my steps on the straight and narrow pathway that leads to life eternal.

In Jesus’ Holy name, I pray. Amen.




Daily Bible Verses


Psalms 67:1-2

God be merciful to us and bless us, and cause His Face to shine upon us.

That Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations.


God is loving, kind, merciful, just, compassionate, and He wants everyone to know about His saving grace – His Plan of Salvation.

Prayer (for you)

Lord God,

How merciful and compassionate You are to us, Your Creation.

Thank You for Your Plan of Salvation, Your saving grace, that is available to everyone.

Help us to choose You, dear Lord, and resist sin and the arch-enemy of our souls and who wants to destroy us.

How grateful I am to know about Your salvation, and the good news of the gospel message.

And that Jesus saves to the uttermost those who come to Him, accept Him, believe in Him, and repent of their sins.

And then we become part of the family of God, washed in the fountain – cleansed by the precious blood of our Saviour and Redeemer.

Lord Jesus, I thank You for Your great and amazing sacrifice of love to save me.

I give You all the glory, praise and thanks that only You deserve for what You have done for me – for humanity.

How wonderful, how great, how loving, kind, merciful, pitiful and compassionate You are.

Lord Jesus, You knew that there is absolutely nothing that we could or can do to save ourselves from sin.

Lord Jesus, You are my only Saviour.

And You paid the ultimate penalty for my salvation.

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Praise You Lord Jesus! Hallelujah!

Lord God, Lord Jesus, I love and adore You, and I magnify, glorify and exalt You.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


Daily Bible Verses


2 Corinthians 2:14

Thanks be to God Who always leads us in triumph in Christ.


The Apostle Paul does not imply that everything always go the way we want it, but when we have faith and trust in Jesus, we will always have victory in Jesus.

Sometimes we have to wait and be patient because setbacks do happen, but we will triumph in the end through Jesus Christ, our Saviour.

Prayer (for you)

Lord God,

How thankful I am to know that there is victory in Jesus, my Saviour forever.

Please help me to have faith in You, and trust in You, because You will always work things out for me, at the perfect time and in the best way.

As the hymn says,

” There is victory in Jesus, my Saviour forever.

He loved me and He redeemed with His precious blood.

And there is victory in Jesus now and forever.

Dear Lord, I thank You for providing for me in the best and perfect way, and doing for me what is in my best interests and at the perfect time.

Lord Jesus, I give You thanks and praise for Your sacrifice of love to redeem and save me from sin, and ultimately save me in Your Eternal Kingdom.

In Your name, I pray. Amen.

Daily Bible Verses


Colossians 3:2

Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.


Quote from Charles Stanley.

” Our mind is working all the time – constantly processing information.”

” And what you think about affects you more than you realize, because who you are today is the result of what you have been thinking all these past years.”

” That is why Christians are admonished to focus our thoughts on things that honour the Lord – because God’s goal is to change us into  the likeness of Jesus Christ, and that transformation begins in our minds.”

Prayer (for you)

Eternal God,

I give You thanks and praise for another day when I can come into Your Holy Presence through prayer.

Thank You for hearing my prayer and granting me Your peace.

O Lord, please help me to protect my mind by what I listen to, what I watch and what I allow to influence me.

This is not easy because in this age and time, there is so much information around.

So I ask for Your help in choosing the perfect and holy – the things that will affect my mind in a positive way – and that will help me as I seek to become more like Jesus.

More like Jesus, in my thoughts, words and actions.

Lord Jesus, I need Your help every hour to be totally consecrated to You, and to live my life pleasing to You.

As Your Holy Scriptures says, ” that we should guard the avenues of our mind, because out of our minds comes the issues of life.

And the devil works through the minds of people to make them do and say sinful things.

Dear Lord, please help me to resist the devil and he will flee from me.

Lord Jesus, help me to draw near to You, and You will draw near to me and help me to resist temptation and the things that lead to destruction.

Lord Jesus, You are life and life eternal, so help me choose You, and I ask that You lead, guide and direct me in the things that I watch, listen to, and what I allow to influence me.

Also I ask that You guard my mind from the influence of sinful words and actions of other people.

Please give me a sound and clear mind, so that I can worship You, and follow You all the way, and be saved in Your Eternal Kingdom.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.



Daily Bible Verses


Psalms 17:8

Keep me as the apple of Your Eye; hide me under the shadow of Your Wings.


God is well pleased when we have faith and trust in Him.

We are the apple of His Eye, He is devoted to us.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal Father,

Thank You for keeping me as the apple of Your Eye.

Thank You for Your loving watch care, protection, and keeping me safe and secure under the shadow of Your Wings.

Also thank You for being devoted to me, and for Your tender mercies and compassions.

And Your great salvation so rich and free.

” My faith looks up to You, O Lamb of Calvary.

Now hear me while I pray, take all my sins away.

And make me from this day, be Wholly Thine.”

O Lord, please help me to live by faith in You, and keep going forward in faith, pressing on to glory.

In Jesus’ name, I pray with thanksgiving. Amen.

Daily Bible Verses


Philippians 4:7

The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.


The peace that God gives to us comes from having a close personal relationship with Him.

God’s peace will  comfort and help us regardless of what trials or challenges we encounter.

Though everything is in tumult around us we can have peace and calm because our hope, faith and trust is in the God of the Universe.

Prayer (for you)

O Lord God,

I am so thankful for Your peace that You will give to those of us who have a close personal relationship with You.

Please help me to have a closer walk with You,  grant it Jesus is my plea.

How wonder to know that You are with me, and You are for me, and I do not need to worry or fret.

But instead I just need to take everything to You in prayer, and  have faith, hope, trust and confidence in You, because I know that You will work everything out for my good.

As the song says,

“God will take care of you, through every day and all the way.

He will take care of you, God will take care of you.”

And another song says,

” Days are filled with sorrow and care, hearts are lonely and drear.

Cast your cares on Jesus today, leave your worry and fear.

Troubled soul the Saviour can see, every heartache and tear.

Burdens are lifted at Calvary, Calvary, Calvary. Jesus is very near.

Lord Jesus, please  help me to always remember to seek You in prayer about everything,  and take my burdens to You, because burdens are lifted at Calvary.

Lord Jesus, I thank You for always being very near to me, to comfort, to help and guide me along life’s journey.

And giving me Your peace that will guard my heart and mind.

O Lord, I love, praise and give You thanks for Your loving kindness, tender mercies and compassions to me.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.





Daily Bible Verses


Psalms 46:10

Be still, and know that I am God.


Let us take the time to seek God in  the stillness and quietness of our heart, soul and mind.

At times we can see God’s mighty power displayed.

But we need to be still and meet Him in the quietness.

So that when trouble and trials come and we will remember to seek Him and He will give us His peace.

Prayer ( for you)

O Lord God,

I glorify, exalt, honour, love and adore You and I bless Your Holy Name.

You are God alone, You are the only true and living God, and there is no other.

Please help to seek You in the quietness , the stillness of my mind, my heart, so that I can get to know You, understand more about You each day.

Also help me take the time to seek You in prayer and draw close to You.

So that when trials come, and they will come, I will have the close relationship that I have already developed, and I will have Your peace in the midst of the storms of life.

As You Holy Scriptures says, ” In quietness and confidence shall be your strength” Is. 30:15

O Lord, You are the source of my strength, my confidence, and the joy of my salvation.

I am so glad that I know You, and have my own personal relationship with You.

I give You thanks and praise for all that You have done for me, and will do me.

I glorify, magnify and exalt You, O Lord God Almighty.

And I love You with all my heart, soul and mind.

Thank You for Your Infinite and abundant love for me.

In Jesus’ name, I pray with thanksgiving. Amen.


Daily Bible Verses


Isaish 63:9

In all their affliction He was afflicted, and the Angel of His Presence saved them.


God understands what we go through in our lives. He see and knows everything.

And He will help us and save us.

Prayer (for you)

Lord God,

How great and compassionate You are.

You know everything about me.

What my concerns, my challenges, and all the issues that I am dealing with.

O Lord, I bring them to You because I know that You have a solution to every problem.

Please act on my behalf and work things out for me.

O Lord, my faith, trust and hope is in You, the God of the Universe.

The all-powerful, all-knowing, the God Who sees and knows everything – nothing is hidden from Your view.

O Lord, You know all about my afflictions, and as Your Holy Scriptures says,

” In my affliction, You are also afflicted.”

Please help me, save me, protect, and guide me and please take my affliction away.

I give You thanks and praise for Your loving watch care and protection, Your tender mercies and compassions.

I love and praise You, Lord God.

In Jesus’ name I pray with thanksgiving. Amen.

NB. Pray about your own private and personal concerns – tell everything to God.

He has the solution for you.






Daily Bible Verses


Isaiah 26:3

You will keep us in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because we trust in You.


Let us put our total trust and faith in the God of the Universe, the Creator God, and Sustainer of our life.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal God,

You are the only true and living God, and my trust and faith is in You.

Please help me to fix my mind, my eyes on You, and trust in You always.

Lord Jesus, signs of the times are everywhere to remind us that You are coming back soon to receive Your redeemed people.

Those who have accepted You as their Saviour and Lord of their lives.

I believe, I accept You as my Saviour and Redeemer, and I ask for forgiveness of my sins.

I thank You for forgiveness, Your peace, Your help, Your guidance in these troubled times.

Please help me to keep going forward in faith, looking to You, the Author and Finisher ( perfector) of my faith.

I glorify, honour and exalt You.

In Jesus’ precious name, I pray with thanksgiving.
