Daily Bible Verses


Psalms 18:1-3

I will love You, O Lord, my strength.

The Lord is my Rock and my Fortress and my Deliverer, my Shield and the Horn of my Salvation, my stronghold.

I will call upon the Lord, Who is worthy to be praised; so shall I be saved from my enemies.


King David is praising the Lord for protecting Him from his enemies.

We also should acknowledge God’s mighty power, His strength, and praise and worship Him because of Who He is.

God is our Protector, Rock, Fortress, our Shield, and our Strong tower, and in Him is our Salvation.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal God,

My Heavenly Father, Holy Father, and the only true God.

I praise and worship You for Your loving watch care and protection over me.

O Lord, You are my strength from day to day, the Rock of my salvation, my Fortress, my Shield from the arch-enemy and my Strong Tower.

O Lord, I look to You, I run to You for help, for protection from the storms of life, and from from the enemy.

Lord Jesus, You are the Rock of my salvation.

What a loving and wonderful Saviour You are, I give You thanks and praise for Your great sacrifice of love to save me.

By faith I am saved through Your amazing grace and sacrifice.

Lord Jesus, I look forward to that wonderful day, when I will see You face to face in all of Your magnificent glory.

When I shall behold You, my Saviour and Lord.

Dear Jesus, please help me to never give up, but to hold on to You, and keep pressing on to glory.

In Your precious name, I pray. Amen.


Always pray and ask the Lord to forgive you of your sins.

And for His saving grace.

Also pray about your personal needs, cares, concerns, challenges, struggles, problems, and ask God to show you what to do.

God will lead, guide, direct and show you the perfect way.

He has a solution to every problem or challenge that come our way.

God can turn every trial into a victory.

Just have faith and trust in God, wait on Him, and be of good courage.

Never give up.

God is love.










Daily Bible Verses


Hebrews 9:28

So Christ was once offer to the bear the sins of many, and to them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation.


Jesus is the Lamb of God Who atoned for our sins by His sacrifice of love for our redemption.

He is coming again as our victorious Saviour and Redeemer, to receive His redeemed.

Holy God,

Thank You for sending Jesus, Who is the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world.

Lord Jesus, You came to this earth to save us, and dwelled among us, and ultimately paid the penalty for our sins.

God rose You up on the third day – You were victorious over death, sin, evil and the devil.

As the song says,

There is victory in Jesus, our Saviour forever.

Then You returned to Heaven – to Your Father and our Heavenly Father to be our Advocate and Intercessor in the Heavenly courts.

Some day soon You will return – and this time not as the suffering Saviour,  but as King of kings and Lords of lords, in Your magnificent power and great glory.

To receive those of us who have accepted You as our Saviour and Redeemer.

And to give us the gift of eternal life that comes only through You, Lord Jesus.

I give You thanks and praise and the love and adoration that You wholeheartedly deserve for what You have done to save me.

O Lord, I thank You for watching over me while I slept during the night, and waking me up, giving me the breath of life and a sound mind.

Thank You for Your loving watch care and protection from day to day.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.



Daily Bible Verses


Psalms 29:2

Give to the Lord the glory due to His name.

Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.


Let us worship the Lord, the Great Creator God, for He is worthy to be praised and worship.

Prayer (for you)

Our Holy Father,

We worship, we praise and adore Your, O Lord God, Most holy and righteous Creator of the Heavens and the earth, humanity and everything that exists.

O Lord God, You are the Source and Sustainer of all life, health and strength.

You alone are God, and there is no other God only You, and You alone deserve our worship, praise and exaltation.

So I will worship You, honour, glorify, magnify, and exalt You, because of who You are.

O Lord God,  I thank for what You have done and will do for me.

Thank You for Your salvation so rich and free, and for healing and forgiveness.

Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!

I love and adore You, O Lord God Almighty.

In Jesus precious name, I pray. Amen.




Daily Bible Verses


Psalms 29:11

The Lord will give strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace.


When we are weak, God is our only source of strength, and His peace surpasses all human understanding.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal Father in Heaven,

What a Friend I have in Jesus, all my sins and griefs to bear.

What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.

O Lord, I come to You in humble prayer and repentance.

Thank You for another day when I can communicate with You, and tell You all of concerns and needs.

And You will lead, guide and provide for me.

I ask You to heal, restore and forgive me of all my sins and cleanse me.

Thank You for giving me strength when I am weak in body, soul, and mind.

You are my strength from day to day, and my peace in the midst of the storms of life.

I give You praise and thanks for tender mercies and compassions that endures forever.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


Daily Bible Verses


Micah 4:2

God will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths.


God will show us, reveal to us His ways, His will for us.

And through the power of the Holy Spirit we can do what the Lord wants us and be pleasing to Him.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal Father in Heaven,

I want to be pleasing to You in every way, so please teach me, lead, guide and direct me in Your Holy paths of righteousness.

And restore my soul.

I come to You, O Lord with a humble and repentant heart, and I ask for You to heal, restore and forgive me of every sin.

Lord Jesus, live out You life within me, so that I can walk in Your path, do Your will and let my light shine – the light of Your love, Your salvation, and Your saving grace.

So that others may see You in me, and want to follow You, and accept You as their personal Saviour and Lord of their life.

O Lord, help me seek You with all my heart, soul and mind, and pray earnestly and read the Holy Scriptures, so that I can learn more about You, and You can teach me Your ways.

In Jesus’ precious name, I pray. Amen.


Daily Bible Verses


Ephesians 2:8

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God.


We are all saved by God’s amazing grace, and through our faith in Him.

Grace and salvation are gifts of God.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal Holy God,

Thank You for Your amazing grace and salvation so rich and free.

I also thank You for the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

There is nothing that we can do to earn it – it is a gift from You to us – Your created children.

O Lord, please increase my faith in You more and more each day.

You bless us with Your loving kindness, tender mercies, Your amazing grace and You demonstrated how much You love us by sending Jesus to reconcile us back to You and to save us.

Lord Jesus, I am so thankful to You that I am safe and secure in Your loving Hands, and that my salvation is secure in You.

Your saving grace and sacrifice of love is wonderful, amazing and I am so glad that I am part of the family of God.

Praise the Lord!

Blessing and honour and glory and power be to God, and to the Lamb of God ( Jesus Christ) forever and ever.

In Jesus’ name I pray with thanksgiving. Amen.





Daily Bible Verses


Luke 23:34

Jesus says, ” Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”

The Romans soldiers who crucified Jesus did not understand what they were doing, and the eternal consequences of their actions.

They did not comprehend that they were crucifying the Lord Jesus, the One who came to the world to save sinners.

Still, Jesus was very merciful to them and He prayed for them and ask God to forgive them.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal God,

Thank You for sending Jesus to save me.

Lord Jesus, You are so good, so merciful, loving and forgiving.

Even to those who crucified You on the cruel cross.

You extended mercy and forgiveness to them.

What a wonderful Saviour, You are.

No matter what we have done, You will always extend to us Your mercy and forgiveness forever.

We just have to come to You, and You will accept us, forgive and cleanse us from all sin, iniquity and transgressions.

Even to Judas – who betrayed You,  Your mercy and forgiveness was available to him also, if only he had repented.

But instead Judas hardened his heart.

There is nothing that You can do for someone when they will not humble themself before the God of the Universe, and Jesus Christ, our Saviour,

And return to the Creator God, the Saviour of the world, so that they can receive pardon, mercy and forgiveness and salvation.

O Lord, You have done everything to save and redeem us, Your children from sin and destruction.

Lord, please help me, forgive me, guide me,  and have mercy on me.

Lord Jesus, please continue to lead and direct me along the Christian way – the narrow pathway that leads to life eternal through You.

And save me in Your Eternal Kingdom.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.





Daily Bible Verses


Hebrews 7:25

Therefore Jesus is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.


Jesus is our Saviour, Redeemer, Advocate, Intercessor and our Friend.

He is able to remove the guilt and curse of sin, and He saves to the uttermost everyone who comes to Him for salvation.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal God,

I come to You through Jesus Christ, my Saviour and Intercessor in the Heavenly court.

Your Holy Scriptures says ” that everyone has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.”

O Lord Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner and I need You as my Saviour and Intercessor.

I repent and confess of every sin and transgression, and I ask for Your forgiveness and cleansing.

Thank You dear Lord, for Your amazing grace and sacrifice of love that saves to the uttermost those who come to You.

I come to You, I look to You. You are also the Author and Finisher (perfector) of my faith.

Lord, I thank You that in You I am free from the bondage and condemnation of sin.

Please increase my faith as I hold on to You, because I know that I have salvation only through You.

How wonderful it is to know that I can come to You with all my problems, concerns, needs and You hear my prayers, my requests and will answer my prayers.

Please help me to continue to seek You through Bible study and prayer, and You will return to me Your grace, Your salvation, Your peace, and I will have the joy of Your salvation.

Thank You for the gift of eternal life only through You, Lord Jesus.

And thank You for answering my prayers, and granting me Your peace.

O Lord, You know my needs, and I believe what You have done for others, You can and will do for me.

I love and adore You O Lord God Almighty.

In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.


Pray about your personal needs, concerns, your desires and any struggles that you may have.

God has a solution to every problem, challenge, struggle or situation that arises.

Have faith in God. He is only a prayer away.


Daily Bible Verses


Proverbs 3: 5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.


God knows and see the future, and because we can only see the present time, we can put our complete and total trust in the One Who holds the future and all eternity in His Hands.

And as we do so, He will lead, direct and guide us, and our faith and trust in Him will grow as we exercise it.

And always remember that what God has done for others, He can do for you.

Prayer (for you)

Our Eternal Father,

How holy You are.

You are the only true and living God, and You are my God.

I honour, praise and adore You for Your goodness, loving kindness and tender mercies to me.

O Lord, in You I trust, in You is my faith and hope.

I trust You with all my heart, my soul and my mind.

O Lord, there are many times when I do not understand circumstances that are happening – many things are beyond my human understanding and comprehension.

So at these times I will look to You, trust and have faith in You, and  acknowledge You in my life, so that You can direct and lead me, guide my path, and lead me in the way that leads to life eternal.

O Lord, Your knowledge and understanding is far beyond what I can ever see or know, so I need Your help and guidance moment by moment, day by day.

I give You thanks for all that You have already done for me, and will do in my life.

O Lord, You know all my needs and my desires.

So I bring them all to You, and I ask for Your help, and because I know that You always have my best interests in mind,  so I leave everything in Your loving Hands.

Thank You for Your amazing love and saving grace.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


Pray and tell God all your concerns, cares, your personal needs and all the desires of your heart.

Remember to give Him thanks and praise for what He can and will do for you.





Daily Bible Verses


Exodus 20:8-10a,11

Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.

Six days you shall labour and do all your work.

But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God, in it you shall do no work.

For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day.

Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.


Our God is such a loving Creator God.

He created everything and humanity in six days, and rested on the seventh day – the Sabbath day.

God was not tired after His Creative work, but He was setting an example for us to follow.

Because God created us and He knows everything about us, so He knew that we would be tired after six days of toil and labour, and we would need to rest.

So He rested Himself after His Creative work, setting an example for us to follow.

The Sabbath day is a day of rest, a day to worship our Great Creator God in spirit and in truth, and a day of joy and gladness.

Prayer (for you)

Our Creator God,

How loving, kind, merciful and compassionate and pitiful You are to us.

You knew that humanity would be tired from toiling six days of the week and would need a day of rest.

So You set an example for us and rested on the seventh day after all Your six days of Creative work.

O Lord, You blessed and hallowed the seventh day Sabbath, making it a holy day.

A day to worship You the Great Creator of the world, the entire Universe, and the Source and Sustainer of all life.

I give You thanks and praise for Your Infinite and eternal love for us, and for making every provision for our continued existence.

And for our good health, strength, and rejuvenation of our spirit, mind and body.

I thank You for the holy, blessed Sabbath day, a day to worship You, magnify You, exalt You, praise You, thank You, learn more about You, and spend time with You in humble adoration and worship.

I also thank You for Your Plan of Salvation to redeem and save us – Your creation from sin and destruction.

Praise You, O Lord! Hallelujah.

Glory and honour be unto Him Who sits on the Throne and to the Lamb of God (Jesus) forever.

I love You, Lord God, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit.

In Jesus’ name, I pray with thanksgiving. Amen.