Daily Bible Verses


1 John 1:9

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


As soon as we pour out our hearts in genuine confession and repent of our sins we are forgiven.

God says that you are completely forgiven and reminds you of  Jesus’ great sacrifice of love on Calvary’s Cross to pay the penalty for all of your sins, iniquity and transgressions.

You are now justified –  forgiven and no longer guilty in His Sight.

God understands our challenges and our struggles, and He wants us to be victorious over there struggles, and not to feel burden down or ashamed because of our sins and transgressions.

God has Infinite love, tender mercies, pity and compassions towards us, and He wants to save us, so that is the reason that once we confess and repent, we are totally and completely forgiven.

Praise the Lord! Glory Hallelujah!

Prayer (for you)

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for sending Jesus to pay the penalty for all my sins, iniquity and transgressions.

And I thank You Lord Jesus, for what You have done to save and redeem me from sin.

How wonderful to know that once I confess and repent, I am completely and totally forgiven of every sin.

Dear Lord, I give You praise and thanks that I am justified (forgiven) in Your Holy Sight.

And how wonderful to know that You are always willing to forgive me if I should fall short of Your glory.

O Lord, sometimes we do not even realize when we have sinned.

Sometimes we sin in our thoughts, in our words and in our actions.

And You are a Holy and Righteous God, and no sin can be in Your Holy Presence.

So we need to ask for Your forgiveness every day.

O Lord, please forgive me if I have sin in my thoughts, in my words, or in anything that I have done.

Lord Jesus, I thank You for forgiving me, and cleansing me with Your Precious Blood that was shed on Calvary’s cross for my salvation.

Thank You for Your saving grace, Your sacrifice of love to save me from sin and destruction.

Please keep me safe and secure under the shadow of Your Wings.

I thank You for Your loving watch and protection each and every day.

I love, exalt, magnify and glorify You.

In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.






Daily Bible Verses


Romans 2:4

Do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads to repentance.


The Plan of salvation is God’s work from beginning to the end.

God is so good that He is goodness extends to everyone.

The Holy Scriptures says, ”

” God makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.” Matthew 5:45b

God loves all His creation and He is good to us because He wants us to repent and be saved.

Therefore,  His goodness and tender mercies towards us should lead us to repent of our sins, and choose Jesus, ” choose life and live” through Jesus Christ, our Saviour.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal Father in Heaven,

How good, loving, kind, patient and compassionate You are.

You are full of pity for Your Creation, for You know what we are.

You know that there is nothing that we can do to save ourselves from sinfulness.

I thank Your for Your amazing goodness and tender mercies that leads me to repentance.

Thank You for being patient with me, guiding, leading and direct me along the straight and narrow pathway that leads to life eternal.

O Lord Jesus, I am thankful for Your great sacrifice of love to save me.

And I am so happy and joyful that have my own close personal relationship with You.

And that I know You – Who to know is life eternal.

I praise and adore You and I bless Your Holy Name.

Thank You for Your loving watch care and protection as I journey along my Christian pathway.

What a good and wonderful God You are, Mighty to save and strong to deliver Your Creation from sin.

Praise the Lord!

In Jesus’ precious name, I pray. Amen.

Daily Bible Verses


Psalms 94:19

In the multitude of my anxieties within me, Your comfort delights my soul.


” God is our ever present comfort, that is why we should always seek Him. This includes when we have difficulty controlling our emotions. The Lord wants to calm our anxieties and give us hope to overcome our distress.” Quote by Dr Charles Stanley.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal Father in Heaven,

I bring all my anxieties and distress to You, because You are my Creator God, and You are my comfort and my present help in times of distress and trouble.

O Lord, You made me with emotions, so You know exactly how to help me, lead, guide and direct me when I am anxious or distressed.

Please help me to always remember that You are always there to comfort and to guide me and give me strength for today and hope for tomorrow.

O Lord, I ask You to calm me down  in the difficult times when I get stressed and emotional.

Lord Jesus, You understand everything and there is nothing that I will ever go through that You do not understand.

Lord Jesus, You went through many trials and distress while here on earth, therefore no one understands and can help like Jesus.

l thank You for Your comfort that delights my soul, and for Your loving kindness, tender mercies pity and compassions to me.

Please guide and direct me every hour of every day.

As the Hymn says,

I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord – stay Thou near by.

I need Thee, O I need Thee; every hour I need Thee!

O bless me now my Saviour – I come to Thee.

Praise the Lord! Glory Hallelujah!

In Jesus’ name. Amen.




Daily Bible Verses


Philippians 4:4

Rejoice in the Lord always, again I will say, rejoice!


Let us rejoice in the Lord, for He has done marvelous and wonderful things for us.

He made the greatest sacrifice to save us from sin and destruction, because He loves us with an eternal and everlasting love.

So let us rejoice in the Lord, no matter what happens, because the Lord will redeem us, and make whatever we are going through work out for our benefit and for our good.

And most important, we can rejoice in the Rock of our salvation because Jesus saves, redeems and we have eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Saviour.

Prayer (for you)

Father God,

I rejoice in You, the God of my salvation.

You are such a good God, Who is so loving, kind good, compassionate and of tender mercies.

I praise and thank You, I magnify and glorify You, for Your Plan of Salvation to save and redeem me from sin and the arch-enemy of my soul.

Thank You Lord Jesus, for paying the penalty for my sins, by shedding Your precious blood to save me.

I do not have the words that are adequate enough to tell how thankful I am for Your sacrifice of love to save me.

I praise You! I thank You! Glory, Hallelujah. Amen.

For doing for humanity what we could not do for ourselves.

So I will rejoice always in my Creator God, the Source and Sustainer of my life.

I will rejoice in Jesus, my Saviour, my Redeemer, for all that You have done, now doing and will do for me to make sure I am saved, sanctified and receive Your gift of eternal life.

I will rejoice because I have my own close personal relationship with the God of the Universe, and with Jesus Christ, Saviour and Redeemer of the world.

Lord Jesus, I thank You for being the Rock of my salvation, my Saviour, my Redeemer, my Advocate, my Intercessor and my Friend.

Lord Jesus, thank You for loving me so much that You paid the ultimate price to save me from sin and destruction.

I love You, I exalt, magnify, glorify and rejoice in You.

Lord Jesus, You are the joy of my life.

In Your Holy Name, I pray. Amen.





Daily Bible Verses


Psalms 57:1-2

Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me!

For my soul trusts in You; and in the shadow of Your Wings I will make my refuge, until these calamities have passed by.

I will cry out to God Most High, to God Who performs all things for me.


God watches over us, so we can be at peace even in the storms of life.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal Father,

How wonder it is that You are always there to help, to save, to be my refuge in the difficult and challenges times.

Please help me to always  acknowledge You in my life in the good times as well as in the difficult times.

So that when trials and troubles come – and these will come to everyone because we have an arch-enemy who is trying to destroy us.

When these difficult times comes, I will know that I can turn to You, my Saviour and Redemer to help me.

Lord Jesus, I will turn to You because You tell us in the Holy Scriptures to bring all our cares and concerns to You, because You care for us.

And You understand what we go through, because You were here on earth and the devil also tried to destroy You.

But praise God, Lord Jesus, You triumph over sin and the devil.

And there is victory in You, Lord Jesus.

Please help me to always hold on to You, look to You and seek You with all my heart, mind and my soul.

And it is so good to know that burdens are lifted at Calvary.

As the Hymn says,

Cast your care on Jesus today, leave your worry and fear.

Burdens are lifted at Calvary, Jesus is very near.

Thank You Lord Jesus for being just a prayer away.

It is so good to realize that You are always there to save, help, lead, guide, direct and I thank You for Your salvation so rich and free.

O Lord, I glorify, magnify and I exalt You.

In Jesus’ precious name, I pray. Amen.



Daily Bible Verses


Amos 5:14

Seek good and not evil, that you may live, so the Lord God of hosts will be with you.


When we seek the Lord God , He will keep us from sin and protect us from the arch-enemy of our souls.

And we can have joy in the Lord, and live an abundant life through Jesus Christ, our Saviour.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal God,

How great it is to seek You in prayer, I give You thanks and praise for the privilege of prayer.

When I can come to You and bring all my concerns and challenges to You in prayer.

Please help me seek to live a life that is holy and Christ-like and to I ask for You help to resist sinful tendencies.

I want to rejoice in the God of my salvation, and live an abundant life and be wholly consecrated  to You, dear Lord.

I glorify, praise and exalt You, my Creator God, and my Saviour Lord Jesus.

I humbly ask for Your loving watch care and protection for myself and family today.

In Jesus’  name, I pray. Amen.



Daily Bible Verses


Psalms 143:10

Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; Your Spirit is good.

Lead me in the land of uprightness.


When we seek the Lord, He will teach us to do His perfect will, and He will lead us in paths of righteousness.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal Father in Heaven,

How wonderful to know that You will teach me Your Holy ways, and lead, guard and guide me in the way everlasting.

You are my God, the only true and living God, and there is no other.

I will seek You with my whole heart, my mind and my soul.

O Lord, You are such a good God, Who wants Your Creation to return to You, and be saved from sin and the arch-enemy.

Thank You, O Lord, for Your loving kindness, tender mercies, compassions, and saving grace.

O Lord, teach me to know and understand You more because You are my Creator God, and lead me in Your perfect way through Jesus Christ, my Saviour.

I glorify, honour, exalt and adore You, and I bless Your Holy Name.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.






Daily Bible Verses


John 17:3

Jesus said,

” And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ Whom You have sent.


As soon as we believe in Jesus, accept Him as our Saviour and repent of our sins, we are on the path of holiness, and we will receive eternal life.

Prayer (for you)

Eternal Father in Heaven,

I praise and adore You, magnify and exalt You.

I come to You through Jesus Christ, Your only Beloved Son, and my only Saviour and Redeemer.

Lord Jesus, please forgive me of my sins and cleanse me and make me wholly Thine.

O Lord God, how wonderful to know that as soon as I know You, believe in You, and accept Jesus as my Saviour, and repent of my sins, the gift of eternal has been granted to me.

You are indeed a good God, Who is Mighty to save and strong to deliver Your creation.

And You have done everything to save me.

Please help me to keep going forward in faith, trusting in You, and endure to the end.

Because those who endure to the end will be saved.

Please help me to never give up in my Christian walk, but follow Jesus all the way, and hold on to Jesus and never let go,  pressing on to glory through Jesus, my Saviour.

O Lord, please continue to lead, be my life’s guide and direct me along the straight and narrow way that leads to life eternal.

I am so happy that I know You Lord God, that I know You Lord Jesus, Who is know is life eternal.

I praise and give You thanks for what You have done for me, now doing, and will do for me.

I love and adore You, O Lord God, the Almighty.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.





Daily Bible Verses


Matthew 24:14

And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.


God wants everyone to hear the Good News of Salvation, so that they can make their choice to follow Jesus.

When everyone has heard that Jesus saves from sin, then He will return to receive those of us who have made our decision to believe and accept Jesus as our Saviour.

For those who reject the Gospel message of Salvation, the Gospel message will be a witness against them, because they heard and rejected salvation so rich and free.

Prayer (for you)

Our Eternal Father in Heaven,

Hallowed be Thy Holy Name.

Thank You for this Holy Sabbath day of rest and gladness.

Rest from all my labours, toils and activities of the past week.

I praise and give You thanks for watching over me during this week and bringing me to another Sabbath day of rest.

Lord God, I thank You for the Gospel message of Salvation, the Good News of the Kingdom of God.

Thank You for making sure that everyone hears that You love them, and that You sent Jesus to be our Saviour and Redeemer from sin.

Thank You Lord Jesus, for coming to earth, dwelling among us, forgiving, restoring, healing the sick, raising the dead eg. Lazarus,  feeding the hungry, guiding and teaching us the way that leads to life eternal.

I give You thanks and praise for teaching us about the way, the truth and the life, and for Your sacrifice of love to save us.

I am so glad to be part of the family of God, washed in the fountain and cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ.

Lord Jesus, I am so glad that I have my own personal relationship with You and that I know You, Who to know is life eternal.

Lord God, You are so loving, so good, so compassionate, so kind, so merciful and so patient with us.

As the the Holy Scriptures says in 2 Peter 3:9

“The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

Thank You Lord God for being so very very patient with me.

What a wonderful God, You are, Mighty to save and strong to deliver me from sin and destruction.

I give You thanks and praise for what You have done for me, and for leading and guiding me on the straight and narrow way that leads to life eternal.

Thank You for the gift of eternal life.

I love and adore You.

In Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen.


Lift up the trumpet, and loud let it ring.

Jesus is coming again.

Cheer up you pilgrims, be joyful and sing. Jesus is coming again.

Nations are angry – by this we do know. Jesus is coming again.

Knowledge increases, men run to and fro; Jesus is coming again.

Coming again, coming again, Jesus is coming again.

Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Amen.



Daily Bible Verses


Matthew 24:42,44

Jesus said,

” Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.

“Therefore, you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”


Signs of the times tell us that we are in the last days of earth’s history and Jesus’ return is very soon.

But we do not know the exact day or time, so we need to watch and be always ready because Jesus can return at any time.

Prayer (for you)

Lord God,

How great You are. You are Mighty to save and strong to deliver me from sin and destruction.

Thank You for sending Jesus to be my Only Saviour and Redeemer.

Thank You Lord Jesus, for shedding Your precious blood to redeem and save me.

The Holy Scriptures says that ” without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.” (forgiveness of sins)

Before Jesus came and paid the ultimate sacrifice, they used to sacrifice a lamb without blemish to atone for people’s sins.

But Jesus Who is the ” Lamb of God” Who takes away the sins of the world, He sacrificed Himself for us once and for all.

And now we do not have to use a lamb to atone for our sins.

The great transaction has been done through Jesus Christ.

Lord Jesus, thank You paying the penalty for my sins.

And for letting us know that You will return – but this time not as the suffering Saviour, but as King of kings and Lord of lords.

To receive those of us who have accepted You. and redeemed by Your precious blood shed on Calvary’s cross.

Lord Jesus, thank You for warning us to be always ready because no one knows the day or hour of Your return.

You could come at any time, morning, noon or night – Your return is imminent.

Lord Jesus, please help me to be always ready to meet You when You return in all Your power and magnificent glory.

I look forward to that wonderful day, when I will see You face to face, my Saviour and Lord.

Lord Jesus, please help me to keep looking to You, ever going forward in faith, hold on to Jesus, never letting go, and keep pressing on to glory.

Because some day soon I will see You face to face, my Saviour, in all Your magnificent glory.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.